How Much Money Are You Making From Parking Your Domain?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Domain parking has become big profit business these days. The one problem most are unaware of is the fact that when you park a domain with your registrar, usually you do not partake in the profit sharing the registrar is enjoying.

There are numerous free parking services you can use that will pay you a percentage of the click through profits from your parked domain names. So how do you know which ones are better than others?

I spent five months moving one hundred of my domains from one parking service to another every 30 days. The results literally left me scratching my head. What I found was that not all services were accurately crediting my account for the number of monthly visitors; hence I was not receiving all the click throughs, which meant less money in my pocket.

How can I be so sure? I have one domain name, which has consistently had 2,800 to 3,700 visitors a month for the past several years. The number of visitors displayed by each domain parking service ranged from 1,400 to 3,500. Also the payout was less at the ones inaccurately tracking traffic to my domain names.

The one I found to be most accurate also had a unique feature. Like most domain parking, there is an optional search box on the parked page. However this one actually tracked the search terms those visitors entered and then broke the searches down into four areas. North America, Europe, Asia and Others.

I found this really helpful when trying to figure out keywords for a particular domain I had parked for a while. After all, these search phrases are exactly what visitors to that specific domain were searching for online.

If you are parking any domain names, I would highly recommend Name Drive free domain parking. Especially if you are leaving your domain names parked at the registrar you are using and are not benefiting from your domains.

Now when setting up your domain parking at Name Drive, I found a little known secret that I did confirm with insiders within the company. Almost always, the Classic 2 template will outperform all the other template options!

by Bruce Galle


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