Identity Using Your Domain Name

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Let us look at three ways you can use your domain name as a crucial identity factor to differentiate your business on the internet.

When selecting a domain name it is important to use your common sense. This is because your domain name, or URL, can have a large impact upon online and offline marketing of your website. Domain names that are long or difficult to spell can make people ignore your website. Short domain names remain in the memory of your visitors much better.

When selecting a domain name, ensure that you choose one that will assist you in your marketing niche and strategy. As stated before, you can use your business name and your URL. If your business name is not available then select one that comes very close to what you are doing. Purchasing a business name domain name is not the only way to go; a keyword domain name will suffice.

If you select to use a .net extension, it will be better to wait until after you have found a domain name that is available which is well suited to your type of business. Listed below are some simple steps to follow to assist you in identifying your name brand to the internet community.

Structure your Brand Name. It is always advised to place your domain name and email address on your business cards, letterheads, and all printed materials. You could even place your domain name and email address on your phone recording and the side of your car.

Keep is short & memorable, never select an URL that contains all 26 letters of the alphabet and secure a .com URL. It is strongly recommended to purchase a .com domain name rather than a .net, .info, .biz or anything else. If the domain name that you would like is not available in .com, then continue to search until you find an appropriate name that is not already taken. Even though there is absolutely nothing wrong with the other extensionsPsychology Articles, having a .com extension makes it sound as though you have been on the net for some time. It is crucial that you remember that your domain name is an extension of your business and your brand of product or service. For this reason it is important that you make the very best selection for the success of your website.


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